Thursday, October 8, 2009

Speckle reproduction

The restoration of 629/729 is planned to incorporate the reinstatement of as many original fittings and features as possible to tell the story of the sets early years of service.
A distinctive feature of the 600/700 & 620/720 class railcar interiors was the use of a distinctive "speckle" paint on the lower internal walls. This decorative paint finish incorporated a beige/brown base colour covered by a random mixture of stringy paint speckles to produce a durable and attractive wall coating.

To prepare the wall a base coat is applied throughout the lower car.

Experimentation has derived that a special brew of 2 different "Camfleck" speckle paint mixes achieves the right colour balance. The application of the final coat is certainly not delicate being made by using a 3mm tip!

The final paint finish looks great and just like the original....

...and is only bettered when the upper walls are also painted and the dividing aluminium trim repositioned.