Whilst the visible restoration works progress at Paterson much effort continues in the background assembling the components and materials required to complete the desired end product that will be the restored 629/729.
Recently the opportunity to secure some seats covered with original brown vinyl presented itself and with the help of many oldmates including the usual Eveleigh brigade, Mario the train mover, Tony Tilt and our new mates at Valley Heights the mission was successful.
A former running mate 670/770 was the donor of the seats which have weathered many years since entering service in the early 1950's.
A walk through of the car revealed many original features including the class divider, signs and even the magic black line with its famous smoke repelling ability!
Unfortunately many of the windows had been smashed some time previously and many of the seats have suffered from water damage.
Despite the casulaties, enough seats to equip a car were salvagable and so the removal process began.
Once unfixed the oldmates removed the booty and secured them in the temporary storage container.
Here we see an oldmate resting in the early afternoon (13:50Hrs) and thinking through both the days efforts and the many years of service that the seats have provided.
A full container means a goods days effort and a lot less needle work for Matty in the future.
Not knowing when the next meeting will be with this old girl, the team takes a minute to ponder the destinations previously visited and where it will head next.
Thanks to our newmates at Valley Heights and all the very best with your ongoing excellent efforts to preserve this heritage precinct.
Long live 610/710 - 670/770!