The seats had not been removed from 629 and coupled with the stored seats that came out of the trailer it has meant a lot of Blue vinyl and seat frames had to be moved.
The seats were unbolted and then transported for dismantling and storage. While the blue vinyl wont play a role in the 629/729 restoration plan it may continue telling the story somewhere else in the fuuture.
Dismantled seats stack up well and are now in storage for future sorting and reuse?
The open area again allowed the painter to come in and carryout the preliminary cleaning and undercoats....
before the "fun" job of lifting the lino and looking for the wet spots started.
As usual theres a lot of flooring to be replaced to eliminate the wood rot and resecure the seats.
Theres all sorts of hidden items under the power car floor including an earth cable and the fuel tanks. The hatches to access the under floor engines will also be rebuilt.
Lifting the lino in the end of the car has shown that this area is in good shape although some repairs have been done previously adjacent to the Guards doors using individual boards.
The luggage lash down ring in the luggage area is a reminder of the sets past duties, no doubt delivering dozens of parcels, the corro and probably getting the odd dog carrier box to secure.
With the chippies expected any day a supply of 1st grade Marine ply is on site ready....
... and timber for the new floor joists has been blackjacked ready to be cut to length.